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CDM Solutions - Connecting Fundraising to Program Delivery

Updated: Dec 7, 2020


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FULL TRANSCRIPT (with timecode)

00:00:00:15 - 00:00:36:24

It's Dan Lammot from and we're here to talk about the Common Data Model for Nonprofits with a focus on connecting fundraising to program delivery. This is truly one of my favorite parts of the common data model for nonprofits, because it really uniquely but very simply provides this crucial link between the fundraising efforts to raise resources and the program delivery efforts that organizations employ to actually go get the work done. I think this is one of the most important innovations that the CDM for Nonprofits has released over the course of its life.

00:00:37:15 - 00:01:08:13

So I'm very excited to show it to you today. So when we take a look at the model itself, you have on the left hand side all of the fundraising components that you'll remember from our review of fundraising. And on the right hand side, you have all of the program delivery components that you'll also remember from our detailed review of the program delivery framework from objectives all the way down to measurements. But there's one entity in this case that ties them all together, and that is the connections entity that you see here in the middle of the screen.

00:01:09:07 - 00:01:51:08

So if we think about the fundraising and the flow of funds, you'll recall that fundraising always ends up inside of designations. That's also part of the setup process. But that's how you respect the donors intent to either be part of a restricted fund or for it to go into the general unrestricted funds. But either way, that is the nexus point where the donors intent gets manifest through transactions and that designation gets associated to the general ledger or your finance in the backend. So the connections entity that's linked to that designation provides that single conduit via which the donor's intent gets reconnected over to the program that the organization itself is executing upon.

00:02:31:14 - 00:03:05:10

So there's three places that a designation can connect to the program delivery framework. The first place is to the delivery framework itself. That represents the donor's intent associated directly to the activity that the organization is going to execute upon. The second place that it can connect us to the budget. You may not know what the activity is just yet, but you may know that those funds are being designated to a particular budget that then is going to be associated to activities. So that connection can also be tied to a budget. And the last place that it can be associated is to an indicator value.

00:03:05:20 - 00:03:39:17

That's the point in time, point and location measurement of efficacy that the program itself manifests. And the idea behind that is that you can actually connect a specific payment or specific transaction to a specific outcome, output or impact that's being tracked by the organization, which is really a unique model in our industry. So let's take a look at how this looks inside the application. So if we jump over to the designation here, you may recall this restricted education entity that we looked at in one of our prior discussions around fundraising.

00:03:40:16 - 00:04:11:06

We have all the details you'd expect to see about the designation itself. But if we go to the related, you can actually see how it is connected to a number of different delivery frameworks. In this case, you've got health education initiatives, workforce productivity and so on and so forth. Now, if we flip that over to the other side and we look at the delivery framework information, we can see its connections right back to the other side about how it's tied to that restricted education designation.

00:04:11:08 - 00:04:36:18

So you got that referential integrity with a very efficient database connection between both the designations representing the donor's intent, as well as the delivery frameworks, budgets and indicator values representing the programmatic work that the nonprofit itself is executing. Hopefully this gives you a good sense of how the common data model for nonprofits has been able to connect fundraising to program delivery and look forward to showing it to you in the future.

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